back OpenBSD 6.3 live USB

publication: Julho 14 2018 22:53
last update: Julho 14 2018 22:53

Using OpenBSD 6.3 and vmd(8)

Create the disk image

vmctl create disk.img -s 4G

Start the virtual machine booting bsd.rd kernel, disk.img as disk, install63.iso as cdrom and 512M of memory

vmctl start "live" -b /bsd.rd -d disk.img -r /path/to/install63.iso -m 512M

Follow OpenBSD install, but when asked if you would like to change default console answer no

Change the default console to com0? [yes] no

and finish the installation.

Now we are ready to dd(1) the disk to our USB stick rsdX

dd if=disk.img of=/dev/rsdXc bs=1m

The USB stick is ready to boot.

Using GNU/Linux and QEMU

Create disk.img

qemu-img create disk.img 4G

Start a virtual machine using disk.img as hard drive, booting from first cdrom, install63.iso as cdrom and 512M of memory

qemu-system-x86_64 -hda disk.img -boot d -cdrom /path/to/install63.iso -m 512

Follow OpenBSD install to the end.

Now we are ready to dd(1) the disk to our USB stick sdX

dd if=disk.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M

The USB stick is now ready to boot.

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